Sunday, July 8, 2012


dans le lointain

"A victory without danger is a triumph without glory." 
                                                                                      Pierre Corneille

Heading past the shops and stores, the swanky boutiques and expensive brasseries, a trek up the Champs-Élysées seems to go on forever.  You can see it in your line of sight. That vista in the distance.

The Arc de Triomphe. A powerful symbol of a "united ensemble", stands as a reminder to the men who fought and died for the country of France during the Napoleonic Wars. It is symbolic of struggle, victory, and triumph over hardship. The internationally famous bike race, the Tour de France, finishes at the Arc de Triomphe, where one rider is crowned victorious over nearly two hundred world-renowned cyclists. 

In a few days French men and women will prepare for Bastille Day along the Champs-Élysées. A national holiday that celebrates the uprising of the people against the French monarchy, which eventually turned the monarchy into a republic. The Arc de Triomphe's obvious inclusion in the festivities is due to its symoblic nature of strength and power. As one of the most famous of the national monuments in France, both tourists and local Parisians alike continue to be drawn to the awesome beauty of the Arc de Triomphe.

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